It took me 45 years to be here with you and I am truly grateful.
If they tell you “living abroad is hard”, I can assure you that doing it is 10 times harder and feel free to add a layer of difficulty for every year you are over 35.
After 10 months (April 23rd), I am slowly going up the ladder a little bit and the felling is…indescribable.
There will be thousands of things I shall share with you in this blog (the theme is strongly temporary, by the way. Stay tuned!) but today, the most important one for me is: you will never understand how hard it really can be living abroad alone…until you will find yourself to choose between curing that tooth that started hurting badly and buying the food to eat with the others…because you don’t have the money to do both things.
My first post, then, is a tribute to all the homeless, poor or simply troubled human beings who are struggling to find their place in the world. I made a choice and I am privileged anyway because I shall always have a house and food to come back to, in Italy…if I can’t keep it up anymore but 50% of the world (exactly… people) doesn’t have this kind of royal privilege and my true RESPECT goes to them.
Every day.